Build the Lenox at Brompton Cemetery open day

We took the Build the Lenox roadshow to the open day at Brompton Cemetery in West London last weekend, where we were able to display our new banner for the first time. It drew plenty of attention, as did the Saker cannon which was on display inside the trailer.

425brompton3The open day is organised by the Friends of Brompton Cemetery and is held once a year at the famous cemetery. It is the only time visitors can take guided tours of the catacombs.


Des Pawson, who is a world expert on knots and sailors’ ropework, was also at the event and had a stall opposite the Lenox. He spent the day demonstrating how to make rope and showing some of his collection of rope-making artefacts. Des has kindly offered to support the Lenox Project at an event some time in the future, we will let you know when we have arranged a mutually-convenient date.


It was one of the hottest days of the year so far, and despite Julian starting the day in his Restoration-era outfit, along with thick black wig, no-one  blamed him for discarding it once the sun started shining with a vengeance.

As well as meeting plenty of interested and interesting people, we collected some generous donations for the cause and gave away a good number of our newly-printed flyers.

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